Bulletin Board



Sunday 12th January 2025





Alleluia, alleluia!

Someone is coming, said John, someone greater than I.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.




A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke       3:15-16.21-22

Glory to you, O Lord


A feeling of expectancy had grown among the people, who were beginning

 to think that John might be the Christ, so John declared before them all,
‘I baptise you with water, but someone is coming, someone who

 is more powerful than I am and I am not fit to undo the strap of  his sandals;

he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire’

Now when all the people had been baptised and while Jesus

 after his own baptism was at prayer, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit

 descended on him in bodily shape, like a dove and a voice came from heaven,
You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.


The Gospel of the Lord. 

          Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


  All Saints, Thropton,

No weekday Word & Communion or Mass until Further Notice


Live Streaming of Masses

A number of parishes have set up a live stream of their Masses.

For more details of frequency and timings please go to the Diocesan website www.rcdhn.org.uk


Children’s Liturgy at Sunday Mass.

Children are welcome in the Parish room to listen to a child friendly Gospel, with theme related activities.

Two adults will instruct the children both will have a current DBS


St Paul's church is open daily for Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament each day from 5pm-6pm.

Please join us, even if it is only for a short time. 


Mass Times

Tues 14th 6pm Mass at St Paul’s

Wed 15th 10am Mass at St Paul’s

Thurs 16th 10.30am Mass at Amble

Fri 17th 10am Mass at St Paul’s

Sat 18th 5pm Vigil Mass at Amble

Sun 19th 10am Mass at St Paul’s


Confession Thursdays            6pm


Mass Intentions

Sun 12th People of the Parish

Sun 19th George Hopper 


Ministers of the Word for Sun 19th Jan (2nd Sunday of the Year) 

Kevin Corbett; Marie Thomas; Tony Wynn  


Ministers of the Eucharist Sunday 19th Jan

 Yvonne Douglas; Joanna Dassen; Louis Dassen;



13th Jan Team 6   Liz Harrison; Judith Francis

20th Jan Team 1  Vincent and Roisin Cowley


Every Sunday we serve refreshments after Mass at the back of church

Everyone is welcome



This Sunday, 12th January, we welcome Fr Ian Hoskins who will

celebrate the 10am Mass for us.


Spuck Meeting

 There will be a spuck meeting in the Lindisfarne room on Wednesday 15th

January at 7.00pm. This is a very small group who would welcome more people attending please.


Lent Lunches

 Unbelievably we have received the rota for Lent Lunches, which start on

Thursday 12th march in St. James Centre, Pottergate.

 Our turn is Thursday 19th March.

 Many helpers are required - male and female- although customers do not start coming until 12 noon ,

 officially, there are always the early birds, so all helpers need to arrive by10.30 to prepare the hall,

 set tables sort soup, butter, cheese etc. then serve and make tea/coffee, then clear up.

Anyone new to the Parish, please speak to Mary Frater for the information.

We have always had a good if not exhausting time, but all coming together for a good cause.

 The cost is still £3.50, although people can put in what they wish - £5.00

 is very popular and the proceeds are divided between Christian Aid, Cafod, Food Bank.


Church Choir

Have you ever thought of joining the Church Choir?

 We are currently looking for new members and especially female voices.

  If you are interested why not come along to our next practice

 on Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Lindisfarne Room.

 It's lots of fun, there are no auditions to go through and

 you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

We'd love to see you. 

If you want to find out more speak to Colette after Mass

 or send her an e-mail at coletteboushell@gmail.com.


Eucharistic Ministers Needed

 We are desperately low on volunteers to be Eucharistic ministers.

 This involves distributing Eucharist and The Precious Blood during mass.  

Optional is taking Eucharist to the housebound and this is also desperately needed.

Please contact Fr Stephen if you are willing for one or both.


New Kitchen Area

 The faculties for the kitchen are expected to begin in January 2025. Fundraising has started for this with the option of Gift Aid.

This is the link to the Kitchen application 


The toilets faculties are undergoing the due process of regulations and comments.


This is the link to the Toilets application


100 plus club

 Thank you to everyone who took part in St Paul’s 100 Plus Club for 2024

Thanks to your participation we raised £1,030 for the Church.

  This included a donation of £30 given back by one winner.

We sold 105 numbers at £20 each, which gave us a fund of £2,100.

 Prize draws took place from February until December, including the special Christmas draw. 

 The total prize money paid out was £1,100. 

Pam and I will be collecting for the 2025 100 club from

Sunday 19th January at the back of Church after Mass.

  We welcome new members as well as anyone wishing to renew their membership.

               Pam Slater and Mary Donaghey  


Sharing the Rosary 

You are very welcome to join us at Holy Name Parish Hall on Towers Avenue, Jesmond

 for a 4-week course exploring the Rosary.

 Each one-hour session will include opportunities to learn about the

 Mysteries of the Rosary, pray a shared Decade, and even make your own set of Rosary beads

. The course will run on Sat 25 January, 1, 8 & 22 Feb 2025.

 Refreshments will be available from 2:00 pm, with sessions finishing at 3:30 pm.

 We warmly invite participants from other parishes, families, and young people

 to join us in this Jubilee Holy Year on this journey of faith and community.

All are welcome.

 Rosary beads will be available for anyone who needs them.

To join the course, please either email welcome@holynamejesmond.co.uk

 or telephone (0191) 2810940.



 LOUDFENCE is a tool to enable and empower faith communities to begin

addressing the harm caused by abuse perpetuated by anyone in faith based

settings. On 1st May Bishop Stephen Wright will attend a liturgy of prayer and reflection,

 here at St Paul’s and afterwards we will all be invited to tie messages of support around the outside of the church.

 To facilitate this we are holding a craft workshop on Sat 18th Jan to create the display materials.

Please attend on the 18th to help, so we can show our support, solidarity, care and hope to all survivors.`



 The new missal now available includes texts for all Sunday services for the

 three year cycle and a short introduction to the special character of

 each Sunday, plus the Mass text.

You can purchase one for £19.95 plus postage.

 Full details available at the back of church.

Please add your name to an order list if you would like one.

Many thanks Pam Slater


 St Paul’s Facebook Page

We now have a facebook page for our parish. 

Contact Jo on 07525 495694 or at oldmissionhall@icloud.com with any content or queries.


Changes To DBS online Update Service

Those of you who hold an online DBS in the parish need

 to be aware of a change in the annual e-mail you receive.

 Please see me after mass for an update about this and a

letter to explain the changes.

 Many thanks Pam Slater


    Alnwick Food Bank

Now that the summer is over and the weather is changing, many will be

 worried about their finances, heating their homes and increase in food prices.

  The food bank at the Lindisfarne Centre helps many individuals and families when they face difficult times. 

They rely on help from the community, churches, many organisations and

individuals to donate food which can be distributed the those in need.

  There are donation points in Morrisons, Lidl and Sainsburys but we also have a box here in St Paul’s..

The Autumn requests for the food bank are:-

 tinned tomatoes, tinned meat, tinned rice, curry/pasta sauces, tinned custard,

 tinned fruit, shampoo, washing-up liquid. 

Can you help please?

The donation box will be in the porch. Thank You.


  Flower Festival Photographs

Photographs of the recent flower festival are now on the parish website. 

Go to www.stpaulschurchalnwick.co.uk  then select Photo Gallery.


  Northern Cross

 The Northern Cross is now on sale at the back of church







Sat 1 Feb: The Sacred Heart, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE3 5EB

Sat 22 Feb: St Robert of Newminster, MORPETH, NE61 1QF

Sat 8 March: St Joseph’s, BLAYDON NE21 5AE

Sat 22 March: St Mary’s, BISHOP AUCKLAND, DL14 6PQ

Sat 26 April: St Hilda’s, SUNDERLAND SR5 2JD

Sat 14 June: St Thomas Aquinas, DARLINGTON, DL1 2PU

Sat 21 June: The Sacred Heart, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

 Other dates and venues will be notified to each Parish Priest and Deacon as arranged.

To register on a course, engaged couples must book via: www.marriagecare.org.uk,

 How we help, Marriage Preparation; or the phone booking service: 0800 389 3801.



 “The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and

 Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency( CSSA) and Diocese’s policies and procedures at all times.

 Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Pam Slater 01665 510728 and the

Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 0191 2433305

 or at safeguarding@diocesehn.org.uk



All items for inclusion in the Parish newsletter to be sent by 9pm on Wednesday.

 Items to be sent to Tim Sewell. 07484611265 or newsletter.stpaul.alnwick@diocesehn.org.uk

Thank You


Used Postage Stamps

Please continue to save your used stamps and leave them at the back of church.

 Thank You.



We need a new Missio (Red Boxes) representative to take over responsibility.

 Please contact Louis 07765 432392.



For the Parish Priest/Enquiries :- stpaul.alnwick@diocesehn.org.uk

Parish Newsletter Team :-newsletter.stpaul.alnwick@diocesehn.org.uk                               

The old Parish e-mail, stpaulschurchalnwick@gmail.com, is no longer MONITORED.



Dear all,

 Next year is my Silver Jubilee and the church's jubilee.

 Please transfer any bottles, chocolates, gifts etc. into donations for the

 completion of the kitchen so that we can all celebrate.

Many thanks, Fr Stephen.


The Lindisfarne Room.

 Until future notice, weekday Mass,

 Adoration, & meetings will take place in The Lindisfarne Room.

Please use the side sacristy door for access. 


Being Admitted to Hospital

If you, a friend or relative are admitted to hospital, a visit/Holy Communion/the

Sacraments can be arranged by the chaplaincy team.

  You can contact the chaplaincy via the hospital switchboard on 03448118111 and ask to be put

through to the chaplaincy department.

If the call is urgent, please ask the nurse to contact the Roman Catholic Priest on call.


Rainbows Bereavement Support Great Britain (GB)

is a well-respected National Charity which supports Children and Young People who have experienced a significant

 loss through death, relationship break[1]down or any other Adverse Childhood Experience.

Volunteers are needed to join the North East Team.

 If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Ruth Higginbottom,

Rainbows North East Secretary, on 01670 518546 or rainbows.northeast@btconnect.com


Safeguarding Changes  

There are some changes to safeguarding, which as a Parish we need to implement.

Those working with children and vulnerable adults will continue to need a DBS, renewed every 3 years.

DBS paperwork has changed slightly.

Every leader of a group will need a DBS and if possible a deputy with a DBS should be appointed.

Parishioners may take Holy communion to their immediate family if they are unable to attend church.

 But other than this a Eucharistic Minister will require a DBS to undertake this ministry.

Every volunteer for every position in the Parish will need to fill in a volunteer registration form and

 will require 2 #references before they start volunteering.

This does not affect existing volunteers. But takes immediate effect for any new volunteers.

Many thanks Pam Slater


Knit and Natter Group

Next meeting is on Thursday 16th January 25 at Gill Lyons' House.

All Welcome



Donations, to parishes or featured projects, can now be made by clicking the ‘Donate’ tab

 at the top of the Diocesan website homepage www.diocesehn.org.uk. From this Donations page, donors can

choose to donate to one of the featured Projects, or can scroll down to find the parish they’d like to donate to.

They can also search for their parish using the ‘Search for a location’ field at the top of the list of parishes.

When they find their chosen parish, they just need to click on the ‘Donate’ button and then choose

one of the suggested amounts or enter the amount they would like to donate. They can choose to make a single donation,

 but can also set up a weekly or monthly donation if they’d like to, and can Gift Aid their donations simply

 by turning on the ‘I would like to Gift Aid this donation’ button.

 If you need any further information, please contact Michelle Alsop at

 michelle.alsop@diocesehn.org.uk who will be able to help.



Heavenly Father,

in Baptism you called us by name and made us members of your family, the Church.

Help all your people to know their vocation in life,  and to respond by living a life of holiness.

 For your greater glory and for the service of your people, raise up dedicated and generous men

who will serve as priests for the Church of Hexham and Newcastle.

Send your Spirit to guide and strengthen our communities, our seminarians

 and all who are discerning their vocation.



Please remember

St Paul’s Church, Alnwick in your will.

 Thank You.


Coping with Cancer North East.

 We are a charity that offers support to those affected by cancer, this includes counselling, coaching and complementary therapies.

 Our services are free to anyone who is or has been affected by a cancer diagnosis, including family, friends, and carers.

 We offer our services across the whole of the North East.

  Please find our website below for further information on the help that we provide:



Alnwick District Food Bank

SHORT OF FOOD ??                         HOW ??

 Email: alnwickdistrictfoodbank@gmail.com or

 www: alnwickdistrictfoodbank.co.uk

or tel: 07498 488797 (Tue or Thur only; 9.00—11.00)

· Confidentially, tell them your circumstances

· They will then arrange a delivery for you, if you qualify

That's all there is to it !!



 Gift Aid Appeal

The Gift Aid Donation Scheme is a government sponsored device whereby registered charities can receive

a ‘cashback’ of 25% of all the donations made by UK taxpayers.  The diocese of Hexham and Newcastle

 is registered to take advantage of this scheme and we benefit greatly from it.

If you are a UK taxpayer and are not already a member of the Gift Aid Donation Scheme we would be most grateful

 if you would consider joining it.  If you are interested, please speak to Roisin at the back of church

 or give her a ring on 01665 798945.



 Enfant Baptism is the door to the other Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church.

Baptism at St Paul's Alnwick is open to all babies who have at least one parent who is Roman Catholic themselves.

Please telephone Father Stephen at the Parish House for further information.


Diocese Information

Please use the RCDHN link on the top right of the page.


Peoples Kitchen and Alnwick Food Bank

 -please could all food donations for People's Kitchen and

Alnwick Food Bank have lids on where necessary.

 Thank You.


Feasts of the Week

            Fri 17th             St Anthony, Abbot



Nights of Light –January

Tues 14th  Daniel Triplett--Happy Birthday

Sat 18th  Arthur Carroll—In Thanksgiving

Sat 18th  Arthur Carroll—In Thanksgiving


 If you would like the Church to be lit up for a special occasion or

 remembrance of a loved one, download the form on the

 Nights of Light page on the parish website.

 Minimum donation £1 per date!     

Thank You.



Please continue to save your used stamps.

 Thank You



 When driving within the church grounds PLEASE keep to the 5mph speed limit. 

Expensive gravel is being displaced by overzealous drivers.

  Thank You.


   Offertory Collection

Did you know you can pay your weekly offertory donation

 via standing order or direct debit.

 In these days of internet banking it is so easy to make

 a regular payment to St Paul’s RC Church, Alnwick.

 You can still gift aid your donation by filling in the form at the back of church.


Memoriam Book

The Memoriam Book placed on the Sanctuary and

contains the names of family and friends of parishioners,

 each written under the date of their death.

 If you would like the names of your loved ones included,

 please fill in the form at the back of Church

and place it in the box provided.

 Fill in a separate form for each name, please.



Please be vigilant when you are in and about the Church.

Do not leave your valuables unattended in the church.


Nights of Light

Our Church looks particularly attractive at present with the flood lighting.

We depend on the Nights of Lights scheme to fund the lighting of the church.

If you would like to celebrate a important occasion,

please consider lighting up our church

If you would like the Church to be lit up for a special occasion,

please obtain a form from the back of the Church and hand it with your donation

to Tim Sewell, any of the Parish Council,

drop it through the letterbox at the Parish House

or download the form on the Nights of Light page

Minimum donation £1 per date!

